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The official news source of Topeka High

The Tower

The official news source of Topeka High

The Tower

The official news source of Topeka High

The Tower

Q&A Spotlight: First Football Game-Sept.1st

Q&A Spotlight: First Football Game-Sept.1st

Amber Ruiz, Business Manager
September 8, 2017

Trojan Profile: Erika Birch

Philip Canady, Reporter
February 14, 2017

Trojan Profile: Nysir Scott

Philip Canady, Reporter
February 14, 2017
Abby Wagemaker

Abby Wagemaker

Taya Davis, Yearbook Staff
October 13, 2016
Brianna Henderson, senior, poses for her senior pictures.

Trojan Profile: Q&A Brianna Henderson

Haley Myers, Editor-in-Chief of “The World”
December 15, 2015
Tori Vaughn, junior, posing with her bear. 
"Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Mallon said they wanted to thank me for what I did and Mr Johnson said  for jumping in like a bear," Vaughn said. 
Vaughn received her reward for breaking up two fights in her classroom.

Tro-Pro: Tori Vaughn

Justase Young, Reporter
November 17, 2015
Trojan Profile: Paul Fuld

Trojan Profile: Paul Fuld

Justase Young, Reporter
October 2, 2015
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