The official news source of Topeka High

The Tower

The official news source of Topeka High

The Tower

The official news source of Topeka High

The Tower


The Tower is a student-produced news website dedicated to serve as the online news source for  Topeka High School in Topeka, Kansas. Members of all the staffs uphold the following policies in accordance with ethical journalism practices.


The Tower is an accessible public forum for the publication readers.

Editorials represent the collective opinion of the publication staff. Others opinions expressed are not necessarily those of The Tower editorial staff, the student body, faculty, administration, or school district. Signed columns and letters to the editor represent the view and opinion of the writer only. The publication is subject to state and federal laws, and the content reflects student thinking and is not necessarily in agreement with administrative policies.

The Tower  will act as an open forum for public discussions and field letters for all of the journalism publications. A forum, by definition, is, “A marketplace of ideas”. Letters will be edited for content and length as well as spelling, grammar, and other considerations. Letters will be edited if the letter is in poor taste, and if necessary letters will be edited to fit space requirements. Letters that are libelous, obscene, or an invasion of privacy will not be published: all letters must be verified before publication. The number of letters included will depend on the available. The Tower will not directly answer letters unless a question is posed.

The opinion pages area forum for the exchange of comment and criticism, and they are open to students and others interested in Topeka High School.


Topeka High School
Room 219
800 SW 10th Street
Topeka, Kansas  66612

(785) 295-3350

[email protected]