Information for THS New Tardy Policy

Don’t be late!

Topeka High, as all students should know of by now, is enacting a new tardy policy that will affect every student who is late to certain classes regularly. With this change, there are a lot of details that students might need to know or be aware of since all the specifics were shown only once in the student meetings.

First of all, the school is introducing a new type of tardy called the Z tardy, which will be marked in powerschool if a student is more than 5 minutes late to the class along with the time they entered.

There are also new consequences to tardies:

3 times tardy to a class:
  • The teacher of the class you have been tardy to three times will call home.
6 times tardy to a class:
  • The teacher of the class you have been tardy to six times will schedule an AMT-conference with student-parent contact.
9 times tardy to a class:
  • There will be an administrator-student conference/parent call with teacher.
12 times tardy to a class:
  • Administrator referral / parent-student-admin conference behavior management contract
15 times tardy to a class:
  • Administrator referral / parent conference. Placement on BMC signed and enacted
18+ times tardy to a class:
  • Responses continue. Admin Looks at BMC and determines next steps based on consequences set.

Students who are tardy may not leave that class again that hour.

If students acquire a lot of first hour Zs, then truancy coordinators or administrators will be attempting to determine the reasons of the tardies and attempt to solve them, and will consider reason and academic performance in missed class when addressing with student/family. They will be checking up at regular intervals of Z tardies.

But what if I am tardy?

Another new process is what happens if you are tardy to your first period class. If you come in through the front doors after 7:55, you will have to sign in on the divisional sign-in sheets at the front door. Also, if you are more than 5 minutes late to your first hour class, you MUST have a red pass to get in.