Homecoming Week Day Two: Opposite Day

Gabriel Obenieta, sophomore, poses in his black dress with roses.

Tuesday, October 2, was the second day of Homecoming Week at Topeka High. The theme was Opposite Day. Throughout the Halls of Troy girls dressed like guys, guys dressed like girls, and even people wearing their clothing backward could be found.

While some played it simple by wearing a pair of short shorts, or a hoodie from the opposite genders clothing department, others took Opposite Day to a whole new level.

“Gender swaps are hilarious,” said Cierra Ransom, junior. “It allows us to get out of our comfort zones and have fun while exaggerating and stereotyping what we like and dislike of the other sex.”

Ransom wore a black tank-top, with saggy blue shorts and her boxer briefs showing; none of which was borrowed. She even added a drawn on beard to her face.

“I do not think most guys dress like this,” Ransom admitted, “but I have seen some. I decided that the sagging, one earring, chains, and odd facial hair were what I thought is most annoying.”

Jeffrey Moore, sophomore, was certainly an attention grabber on Tuesday. Moore was dressed in a black skirt, with a pink dress that doesn’t reach his knees, and a curly, blonde wig with a black headband.

“I participated because I love having fun and showing school spirit,” said Moore. “I got my inspiration for this outfit from my sister’s closet and the clothes she doesn’t wear. I wanted to go all out.”

Moore believes that participating in Homecoming Week is important because it is a “great way to have fun,” with friends in a humorous way.