Schools varsity soccer team reaches highest record

The school's women's varsity soccer team makes a W sign with their hands symbolizing their win against Topeka West's team. The ladies hold a current record of 13-4. The record is the highest score recorded in school's system

Craig Strever

The school’s women’s varsity soccer team makes a W sign with their hands symbolizing their win against Topeka West’s team. The ladies hold a current record of 13-4. The record is the highest score recorded in school’s system

The varsity women’s soccer team holds the best record in school history. The girls record currently stand at 13-4 and are in the top seed for the regional playoffs.

In past years, the team’s record struggled. The coaches knew the girls had more potential and pushed the girls this year to reach their full abilities.

“We had a challenging season last year and I told them we can do better,” Jerimiah Lavelle, head coach said. “Everybody came back better, stronger and ready to work.”

The players hope to win the regional title to show themselves and the school the effort they have put into this season.

“We’ve done really well so far this season and we already have one of the best records,” Alani Snook, sophomore said. “I feel like [winning the regional title] would be really cool for the school because it hasn’t happened for the girls.”

For players who have been on the team for a long time seeing the growth throughout the team is rewarding. They are proud of the strides they have made in such a short amount of time.

“It feels really great that we have worked really hard and it’s finally paying off,” Erica Self, junior said. “Everyone [the team] is just really happy and proud of what we have accomplished.”

The coaches and team have been encouraging the school to come out and support the team as they play Dodge City this Thursday. The game will be there second regional game and the regional championship game.

“It would be nice for everyone that can to come out and support this special group of ladies,” Derek Snook, assistant coach said. “Hoy, hoy!”