Dr. Linda Wiley receives KSPA Administrator of the Year Award

Dr. Wiley won KSPA Administrator of the Year
The Kansas Scholastic Press Association (KSPA) has chosen Dr. Linda Wiley, long time Topeka High principal, to receive the Administrator of the Year Award. This is awarded to a secondary school administrator who has stood up for journalism students’ first amendment rights.
“I nominated Dr.Wiley because in my thirteen years as an adviser, I’ve had seven principals,” Kristy Dekat, journalism adviser, said. “Dr. Wiley is the first one to truly understand the Kansas Student Publication Act and allows my students to work with the freedom they are entitled,”
Dekat and journalism students also surprised Wiley with the award on Friday, April 8 in front of a morning administration meeting.
“It was a complete surprise. I was completely caught off guard. It’s just very special. The highlight of my career,” Dr. Linda Wiley said.
The students took turns saying their favorite things about Wiley before presenting her with the award.
“Thank you for supporting us in all of the stories that we have written for the publications this year and standing behind us even with some of more controversial stories,” Julia Howell, editor of The Tower, said.