Maria Cisneros, senior (left), Mario King, senior (middle), and Riley Huckabay, senior, (right) for Jersey day of Spirit Week, February 8thRachel Stewart, sophomore, (left) and Nell Brennen, sophomore, (right) for TV day of Spirit Week, February 9thHunter Herrera, senior, (left) and Stevianna Lorson, senior, (right) for Olympics day of Spirit Week, February 10thEmily Goodrow, junior, (left), Ruth Fiander, junior, (middle), and Victoria Vaughn, junior, (right) for Decades day of Spirit Week, February 11thJhalynn Johnson, senior, (left) Rylee Burris, junior, (middle) Alexis Siefer, junior, (right) and Mathew Gonzales, senior, (bottom) for Black and Gold day of Spirit Week, February 12th
Have you ever wondered how tattoos work? How the ink permanently stays onto your skin, why people say it hurts so bad? Well i’m going to put your mi...
Social media's negative effects on teens have been speculated about for a long time. Many say that it should be limited or even abolished completely. ...