Tashia Burk and Marissa Fillyaw, juniors, follow AVID classmates to explore Allen County’s softball/baseball fields. AVID students visit college campuses to learn more about what they have to offer.Anisa Perez, Marissa Fillyaw, and Tashia Burk, juniors, listen as they are told about Allen County’s “red barn”. The AVID class learned that Allen County’s red barn has a red turf, inside basketball court, and a weight room that’s available to all Allen County students and athletes.Anisa Perez, Jennifer Ibarra-Sanchez, Marissa Fillyaw, Victoria Gamino, McKenzie Christian and Mikayla Keeling, juniors, head back to the bus after touring Allen County’s campus.Mikayla Keeling watches as Anisa Perez, Marissa Fillyaw, Kelsey Cott and McKenzie Christian, juniors, talk to Mrs.Womack (AVID 11 teacher) about the bus ride home. AVID students traveled two hours to and from Allen County.
Have you ever wondered how tattoos work? How the ink permanently stays onto your skin, why people say it hurts so bad? Well i’m going to put your mi...
Social media's negative effects on teens have been speculated about for a long time. Many say that it should be limited or even abolished completely. ...