Trojan Profiles: Saul Cervantes

Saul Cervantes, senior

Saul Cervantes, senior, is a long-time thespian at Topeka High School.

Although being well experienced on the stage, Saul landed his first role not so long ago.

“I started doing theatre in middle school and got casted a lead role in the 6th grade musical,” Cervantes said. “[Then] I was given my first high school role by the infamous Mr. [Gregg] Ratzloff.

Since Saul’s first high school production, he has performed in six more shows and worked backstage for three.

“Topeka High really sparked my interest for theatre,” Cervantes said. “Every year at Topeka High [there is] great talent. What fascinates me more than actually performing in shows is watching other talented people portray their emotions on stage. I love watching the talent in my school radiate. When I began doing shows here our thespians at the time inspired me, and now I want to be the inspiration.”

After finding his inspiration and doing countless school shows, Cervantes decided to apply for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) Summer Seminar in Ashland, Oregon this past summer.

“Applying for [the OSF Summer Seminar] was very intense. The fact that I even came across this opportunity still dazzles me,” Cervantes said.

Saul learned a lot about what it means to be a thespian while in Ashland.

“Ashland gave me a little taste of every aspect of theatre,” Cervantes said. “During my time there, I learned that if you support others ‘magic’ is real and the unreachable suddenly becomes the attainable.”

Saul also had some very important words for anyone interested in theater.

“I would urge every junior to apply to the OSF Summer Seminar. If you need help, let me know. As for any aspiring thespians, get out there already. We’re all ready to see you shine, so go for it.”