Students receive Google Chromebooks

       For the first time ever, Topeka High students are receiving their very own laptops. As part of the 23.4 million technology portion of the 143 million dollar bond issue voters approved in April, Google Chromebook laptop computers were issued to students to use in classrooms and at home.

          ChrIMG_0709omebooks were loaned to students this week to use as their own but not to keep. Students and parents (or guardians) signed contracts outlining their loan responsibility and the consequences of loss, damage or logging in to improper web sites.

  Many students like Tristan Weichet are ecstatic about having their very own Chromebook to use in class and at home to complete school work. 
“My Chromebook will give me endless limits to reach my goals,” Weichet, junior, said.


    Other students, like Jabril Lewis, see the Chromebooks as stress relief.
“My Chromebook will make work easier instead of breaking my back to get to the library,” Lewis, junior, said.