Trojan Profile: Ruth Fiander

Ruth Fiander, sophomore, has been working hard with her teammates on the soccer field. She says they have made progress this season.
“The season started out rocky for the team, but we’ve definitely progressed each game, and gotten so much better. We’re starting to work as a team more,” Fiander said.
Fiander has been playing soccer since she was just four years old, and she still loves the game.
“The best thing about soccer is getting to compete as a team and winning, honestly. Who doesn’t like to win? Scoring goals is also one of the best things and just playing together as a team,” Fiander said.
Not only does Fiander play soccer with the school- she is on a year-round club team which travels around the midwest.
“On club team, you’re playing with people that you play with year round, you have practices and everyone knows each other and the chemistry is there. With school, you’re just kind of thrown together on a team and you only play with each other for two months or so, so you’re not together as long. The competition in club is at a higher level as well,” Fiander said.
Fiander was recently named Wendy’s High Schooler of the Week by WIBW. Earlier this year, she was also given the title when she was the kicker for the football team.
“I was not expecting to get athlete of the week, but the team definitely helped out, it was definitely a team aspect. It also felt really cool to get recognized for all my hard work,” Fiander said.