Trojan Profile: Grace Hatesohl

Since the fifth grade, Grace Hatesohl has known swimming was her true passion.
“I had tried every sport before [swimming] and just hated it. At first, I sucked. Eventually I found a coach that I liked and we got really close. Everything just started clicking after a while and I realized that time went by so fast when I swim, because I enjoy it so much,” Hatesohl said.
The swim team this years started on a rough patch but was able to gain some ground. Team members like Hatesohl believe the relationships on the team have changed the way they compete and made them stronger.
“At the beginning of the year it was iffy and we weren’t placing. As the season went we got more focused, and the team really bonded and it made us better and everything clicked,” Hatesohl said.
Hatesohl, freshman, qualifies for state this year and hopes to win city on May 8. She continues to set personal goals and standards in both meets and practice.
“I wanted to make state and possibly win city. I’ve been doing pretty well this season, the last meet we had I ended up winning the 200-breast and getting my state cut by more than .02 seconds. It feels really cool to be doing this well as a freshman,” Hatesohl said.
Crediting her team for a majority of her success, Hatesohl continues to break her own records. Having swam club five years before high school, she believes practicing swimming not only benefits her in the pool, but in life as well.
“[Swimming] is really cool because it gives you a time for your head. You’re in the water and your body is moving, but your head is thinking freely. It’s a good head space to be in. Swimming is supportive and it definitely builds your work ethic to push yourself.,” Hatesohl said.